One of those days

I knew the moonroof was leaky but lately it seemed to hold up fine under inclement weather and I thought it must have slotted back snugly into place. Well, I was wrong. Wilmington saw the first of the fierce storms of this year's summer last night, and when I opened the car door to drive to aikido class I saw a steady stream of water flowing down from the moonroof onto the driver's seat. 2 inches of water lay on the floor. Threw a cover over the roof with A and rescued the electronic items from the car. As I was now car-less, was contemplating my options viz. getting to aikido class. It seemed like the commuter was my best bet, and I threw on rain gear and lights and headed out. Only to find much of Wilmington flooded. Cars were stuck in ditches, a fire engine screamed down Racine Dr, thundered roared and lightning flashed overhead. All the while, I was marvelling at the bike's ability to navigate through ankle to shin-deep brown water, and roll over unseen kerbs and potholes. Water ran down my face in rivulets and streamed down through my collar. Never knock a $100 Schwinn. When I got to the dry haven of Gold's Gym, was rounded applauded by the rest of the dojo.

Car was drying today while I contemplated options. Suggestions have ranged from Vaseline to gluing the roof shut with silicone. Or I could ask the mechanic how much it would cost to replace the seal. We'll see.


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